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Submitted on 20-April, 2011
The academy's internship programs and the abundance of field experiments definitely helped me decide early on to become a forest ranger and allowed me to jump start my career early on.
Britton Durbin
Submitted on 09-May-10
STUDENT: Aaron C. Jenkins
ADDRESS: 541 Pepper Dr. APT A
CITY: Hanford, CA, 93230
TELEPHONE: 8507765239, email:
[email protected]
COMMENTS: I am in the military, Navy branch, married, with a child on the way. My wifes name is Samantha Joanne Jenkins, she is the most amazing woman I have ever met. The academy was an incredible experience. I still talk about it to my friends here in the navy, at my command, about how much I learned, and the teachers, and the awesome things we did there. I really wish I could go back, and do it over again, with the knowledge I have now. It is definetly a chance worth taking.
Grade 10
The Academy has been a great place to learn. This year
has been one of my best years. Joann Bonano
The Academy is the best school ever! Stefanie Ramos
It really opens your eyes to how wondrous the world really is.
The Academy is the way that school was meant to be. Tom Williford
Grade 11
The Academy makes learning fun and education come alive.
Laura Steepleton
The Academy is a great school, a great learning place,
and the teachers are very helpful. Christine Adamson
The Academy is a great place to meet people from all over
the country who enjoy learning. Tara Peterson
Grade 12
The Academy was a delightful surprise in my junior year,
and now that I am a senior, I have gained an experience
that has made me a better student and prepared me for college.
Bianca Maura
I have enjoyed the Academy and learned a lot of new things
and had a chance to participate in many different activities
to further my education. Kyle Pratt